Terms and Conditions…
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all tenders and quotations submitted by, all orders placed with, and all contracts entered into with Ultimate Electrical Services where materials and/or services are supplied by or on behalf of Ultimate Electrical Services. It is deemed that the customer has entered into a contract with Ultimate Electrical Services upon verbal or written advice received from the customer and / or commencement of works by Ultimate Electrical Services.
All payments should be received by the DUE DATE stated on the front of the invoice. Ultimate Electrical Services implements the right to separately invoice an extra $15.50 (inclusive of GST) per day original invoice is overdue. In the event of an account becoming overdue, Ultimate Electrical Services implements the right to charge in addition to any daily fees a $475.00 administration fee per invoice (inclusive of GST) to recover debt owed to Ultimate Electrical Services in addition to any other legal costs. Dishonoured cheques will incur an administration fee of $40.00.
The title of all installed materials is held by Ultimate Electrical Services until amount of the invoice is paid in full.
Security of Materials
The customer (or customer’s representative) is responsible for the security of all materials installed or left on site. The customer (or customer’s representative) is responsible for bearing the cost of replacing any stolen materials and bearing all extra labour costs incurred for installing replacement materials to replace materials stolen from the installation.
Ground works
Where excavation work is undertaken by Ultimate Electrical Services, the owner (or customer) is responsible for the location and identification of all underground services (e.g. phone lines, water pipes, storm water pipes, electricity cables, gas pipes, sewerage lines etc). The owner (or customer) is responsible for repairing any underground services whose route is not clearly and accurately identified in writing in the form of a site plan to Ultimate Electrical Services. Extra charges may be incurred by the customer where a contract includes trenching, but solid rock is encountered during excavations.
Remedial Action
Should a situation arise where work performed by Ultimate Electrical Services requires to be remedied under warranty, Ultimate Electrical Services will not be responsible for costs incurred by third party contractors to complete the work, when Ultimate Electrical Services has not been notified and given the first opportunity to arrange remedial work in a period of 7 days.
Proof of Capacity
At any time during the course of works being completed or during the course of a contract being in effect, Ultimate Electrical Services will hold the right to request proof of the customer’s capacity to pay the amount of the agreed price of the contract or the estimated value of the work being completed. If the customer is unable to provide proof of capacity to pay the amount within 5 days of the request in the form of a bank statement, or letter from bank manager then any work in progress will cease and an invoice will be issued by Ultimate Electrical Services for the work already completed and this invoice will be payable immediately. If proof of payment capacity is not proven, then any contract becomes void after payment is received for work already completed and goods supplied.
Ultimate Electrical Services will not be held responsible in any way for any incurred costs to the customer or any other third party from any source as a result of delays incurred by Ultimate Electrical Services from weather, staffing, supply of materials, or any other delays that may arise. In the unusual event of a delay, Ultimate Electrical Services will notify the customer in a bid to arrive at a solution.